Muay Thai - Counter against Elbow, Knee & Clich Techniques
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Christoph Delp
Muay Thai - Counter against Elbow, Knee & Clich Techniques

ISBN: 978-3-613-32079-6
Titel-Nr.: 32079
Format: 135mm x 190mm
Erschienen: 07/2022
Laufzeit: 88 Min.
Preis: 19.99 €
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Muay Thai, also known as Thai-Boxing, is a traditional martial art developed centuries ago. Nowadays, Thai-Boxing is trained as a competitive and fitness sport, but also as a means of self-defense. The hard and spectacular techniques fascinate an ever increasing number of athletes and spectators. In this DVD of the Christoph Delp Thai-Boxing series will show you the counters against elbow, knee and clinch techniques. Ten current Thai-Boxing Champions demonstrate the best defense against an opponent's attack and how to follow up with an effective attacking technique of your own. You will see counters against all possible elbow and knee techniques. You will also learn how to control your opponent in a clinch, to throw him away from you, to defend against his attacks and to get out of his grip.


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